Transform water into pure wonder.
LAVIT™ - Latin for the Good Life – is the revolutionary, countertop beverage brewing system that transforms purified water in pure wonder. With just a touch of a button, enjoy a pure, deliciously refreshing still or sparkling beverages in just 30 seconds.
Can we stop burning toxic fuel trucking bottled beverages millions of miles each year? Can we stop polluting the planet, overburdening our landfills and poisoning our oceans with drink-and-toss plastic bottles? Can we stop feeding our children - and ourselves - beverages loaded with empty calories, artificial dyes and unnecessary preservatives? Can we be assured that every time we guzzle a beverage the water is pure and contaminant-free? Damn straight we can.
We helped Lavit introduce office managers and other commercial customers to this healthy, smart, sustainable alternative to traditional coffee, sodas and high sugar drinks beverages.
The Result: LAVIT™ made a major splash in the single serve cold beverage market. Today, the magical machine is found in enlightened office kitchens, cafes, colleges, coffee shops, hotels and bars everywhere.
Master Brand Positioning, Brand Story & Messaging
Brand Strategy
Visual Identity
Logo Design
Pod, Package Design & Graphics
Website Design

Our man in the mountains visual reflects Lavit’s environmental mission to protect pristine mountains, lakes and streams.
The water cooler just got cooler.
Forget wimpy, watered-down drinks.
Forget sugary soft drinks with gnarly aftertaste.
Forget polluting drink-and-toss plastic bottles.
LAVIT’s crafted flavor mix is free of synthetic chemicals,
while rich in vitamins and super-healthy fruit actives.

You can’t beat the system All mixing occurs within the capsule, so there’s no bacteria or cross contamination so Lemon tastes truly Lemony and not like the last person’s Lime. Choose “Eau Naturale” or “Frizzante.”

The LAVIT™ Smart Scanner reads the capsule bar code, recognizes the flavor and tells the machine how much water to add and what temperature it should be. How cool is that!